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hrlp! - debug as says (none applicable)

Associate III

I'm trying to run a simple blink sketch using a F031K6 nucleo board. I'm following the steps here - and when i get to the part where I go to 'debug as' I can't because it says 'none applicable'. I have the board connected via usb, I have installed a firmware update, drivers and the STlink server module.

how can I get this to work??


Hi, thanks for your reply.

Yes I can connect, it told me the first time to connect under reset mode, but after that it was all fine. Still nothing happens with STMcubeIDE

I don't use CubeIDE so I don't know, but maybe you should try to set it to connect under reset, too.

Although, connect under reset shouldn't be needed for a new device - try to chip-erase it in the STLink Utility, then disconnect, reconnect - still requires connect under reset?


i erased the chip but it still requires connect under reset.

could it be because i used the firmware update? im really confused over this

No I think it is generally because the debugger implementation here is very fragile. Use better tools.

Watch that your code/settings don't disable the debug interface, reconfigure the debug pins, or power down the pins/logic you need to be working.​

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thanks, but I am a completely new user. I have experience with 8 bit avrs, but nothing with STM chips. What do you mean by 'better tools'?

All I have done is generated the code to setup the in/outs, nothing else

> All I have done is generated the code to setup the in/outs, nothing else

Which in/outs, namely?


Hi! I got it working, not sure what I did but the the options just appeared suddenly. All seems to be working fine now, thanks for your help


I have encountered the same problem, can you tell me how you solved it?