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Problem with the STM32CubeIDE incremental build - bug report and workaround

Associate II

While working on a specific project, it is very convenient to compile only the files that have been changed. Incremental build is enabled by default in the project settings: Project properties => C/C++ Build => Behavior => Build: (Incremental build) = Enabled.
Then, after working on the project for a while, this option no longer works, although it appears to be still enabled when you look at the project settings.
Workaround: I found out that it can be re-enabled by disabling it in the project settings and then re-enabling it.

When the incremental build is running, the ".cproject" file has the following content - see extract below:

<builder buildPath="${workspace_loc:/DEMO_STM32H743}/Debug" enabledIncrementalBuild="true" id="" keepEnvironmentInBuildfile="false" name="Gnu Make Builder" parallelBuildOn="true" parallelizationNumber="optimal" superClass=""/>

But when the incremental build no longer works (without disabling it myself via the IDE interface), the content is as follows:

<builder buildPath="${workspace_loc:/DEMO_STM32H743}/Debug" id="" keepEnvironmentInBuildfile="false" name="Gnu Make Builder" parallelBuildOn="true" parallelizationNumber="optimal" superClass=""/>

The [enabledIncrementalBuild="true"] option suddenly disappears. I have not been able to reliably determine when exactly this happens. It happened once after I have done the Project Clean. When I tried to do it again today, it didn't happen. I'm also not sure that the issue is only related to the ".cproject" file. Once I opened the same project in a new (clean) workspace and the incremental build worked again.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

This can be related to inheritance of project settings from the workspace settings.




Associate II

Hi Pavel,

Thank you for your suggestion. It sounds reasonable, but I can't find anything related to incremental build in the workspace settings. I have checked all workspace settings related to build and automate.
The problem is solved if in the settings
     Project Properties => C/C++ Build => Behavior => Build: (Incremental build)
I just change Enabled to Disabled and back to Enabled. Meanwhile, I don't do anything with the workspace settings. So probably the workspace settings do not affect this problem.

Best regards,
