2021-10-31 2:42 PM
The IDE will not update to the correct project. I have clicked on the .project file in the repository and the IDE goes through its gyrations but when it stops (no errors) the project I was working on yesterday is still loaded.
I also tried Open Projects from File System and get the same results.
2021-11-01 6:32 AM
Multiple projects can be open at the same time. So if you open a new project, your old project is still open and the files will still show up.
If you want to close a project, right click it on the left side in Project Explorer and select Close Project. You can also right click the project you want to keep open and select Close Unrelated Project.
2021-11-01 8:45 AM
Glad you are here, TDK.
I double-clicked the .project file in the examples and after all of the dialog it was stated that the project was successfully imported. Unrelated projects were closed. The new project built with no errors as Build All and Build Project are now not selectable, as expected. However, it cannot be run or debugged as there have been no recent launches.
Building and running new STM32 projects works fine but running examples is still a bear, a big hairy one.
BTW, project is Cortex_MCU.
2021-11-01 9:01 AM
In the CubeIDE Project Explorer window, select the newly imported project and then click the Debug button. A dialog will pop up for editing a new debug configuration. In most examples just leave the defaults.
2021-11-01 9:35 AM
Just get an unable to launch pop-up, no dialog.
2021-11-01 1:43 PM
> a bear, a big hairy one
A good definition of Eclipse, indeed ))
Click on the small arrow beside the green bug icon and choose Debug configurations.
Or choose Debug configurations from any other context menu.
Check if you already have a configuration for your project. If not, create a new one.
It should automatically fill all needed fields for the active project (find the executable file at least).
However, if you've imported the project in unusual or unsupported way, the IDE can fail to detect the target MCU and therefore fail to debug.
2021-11-03 5:39 PM
It seems some of the examples work and many don't. I went to Help > check for embedded software packages updates but it thinks all is well. Can I delete the example directory and check again?