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NUCLEO-L4P5ZG in STM32CubeIDE, wrong defaults for QSPI

Associate III

STM32CubeIDE offers creating a new project by selecting the board the NUCLEO-L4P5ZG. But the defaults e.g. for the QSOI as documented in the Nucleo-144 manual does not fit with the default in CubeIDE.


The port, which is documented for the nucleo-144 can't be selected

That needs to be adapted manually int the pin configuration itself. That's weird, if you can't even select the correct port in the octospi configuration itself.


There are a lot of problems with rigour and QA in the tools, and lack of real-world usage, and dog-fooding to ensure basic functionality works when delivered.

Thing is on the OCTOSPI STM32 parts, the Quad mode is a subset of the OCTOSPI peripheral rather than being the old QSPI peripheral.

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Associate III

Yep, needs to be done pin by pin as mentioned in AN5050