2020-06-03 4:44 AM
I'm trying to get the example from the stm32 USB traing video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MJJwDKsKsc&t=884s to work using STM32CubeIDE and the Nucleo-F070RB dev board.
Everything compiles fine and I get no error when running it, but I can't get the USB HID Mouse to enumerate. Is there anything I have to do with the board itself to make it enumerate as expected? Or what can I have missed that differs from the video and the dev board/IDE combo I'm using?
2020-11-06 6:19 AM
I also have a same problem. I am using STMF072RB Nucleo dev board and I am unable to get the USB HID Enumeration up and running. Did you get any solutions for this ?
So over J_Link, it doesn't show up as a HID.
I think we need to take out the D+ and D- Lines and connect it to a USB Type A plug and then connect that plug to PC and then it should work! That's the guess !
Do you know if that works ?