2020-07-05 7:49 PM
I could use DISCO-F413ZH (STM32F413ZH MCU) dev board to test some of the sensors. After successfully testing with dev board, I made custom board using STM32F413RH MCU. When I connect the custom board to computer, it detects as STM32 bootloader. However, when I used STM32Cube IDE, it is not recognizable. I could not program the board. It gives ST-Link error.
I have attached the screenshots. Could anyone help me to figure out what I am missing here.
what are we missing?, this is one STM32F413RHT6 with no memory attached.
Unable to program
Do we need some kind of bootloader to be able to experience the same behavior as with an STM development board (to be seen as an external drive)...
2020-07-05 8:14 PM
How are you connecting? SWD or usb dfu? Are you using an external st-link programmer?
Sounds like you’re just connexted to the usb dfu bootloader, which is not the st-link interface that stm32cubeide wants.
2020-07-08 7:51 AM
We are trying with USB dfu way using a micro usb. We are not using an external st-link programmer. What changes I can make in my existing circuit?
Could you also say what kind of external st-link programmer you are talking about?