2023-08-03 3:01 AM
Hello Everyone,
I wrote the code by self for GPIO drivers , as a step by step process i am adding code for other peripherals & buses after taking due time in learning , the code progress as of now (as per my knowledge) should be enough to enable the GPIO peripherals & further toggling the internal LED at PA5 , but the LED is not toggling.
Any Solutions are invited.
Below attached are the driver files of MCU.
File 1: STM32f401xx.h (stm32 F4 general drivers Header File)
File 2: STM32f401xx_gpio_driver.h (stm32 F4 GPIO drivers specific Header File)
File 3: STM32f401xx_gpio_drivers.c (stm32 F4 GPIO driver file).
/**********************The Code for Toggling Led ***********************/
(All the functions are defined in "File 3").
Thanks !
2023-08-05 5:13 AM
> what do you think is the "corresponding register": RCC register of the GPIO register?
I don't know, that's why I tried both.
Let's discuss this further in https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcu-products/erratum-quot-delay-after-an-rcc-peripheral-clock-enabling-quot/m-p/580035 as we've already hijacked this thread more than we should.
2023-08-07 9:18 AM
so, could you pls. share a generic implementation how to ensure that?
Indeed I have a very simple and generic but functionally correct implementation for a few functions in plain C, which solve this issue and provide some other useful functionality. It looks like I have to write an article (with code) about it...
2023-09-23 12:53 PM