2023-01-19 12:04 AM
MCU: STM32F030K6T. I have the problem remape vector table scince the register VTOR is not availbe on this MCU. I would like to ask how i can remape the vector table on this MCU to one of my application address 0x08001000 or 0x08004800. I have been doing this procces on STM32G030F6P and it was working fine. This is the code for G Type MCU int main(void){
if (IMAGE_1 == *((__IO uint32_t*) SRAM_SELECT_ADDRESS)) {
uint32_t addressImage1 = imageAddress(CONFIG_ADDRESS, IMAGE_1);
SCB->VTOR = addressImage1 + 4;
if (IMAGE_2 == *((__IO uint32_t*) SRAM_SELECT_ADDRESS)) {
uint32_t addressImage2 = imageAddress(CONFIG_ADDRESS, IMAGE_2);
SCB->VTOR = addressImage2 + 4;
/* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart2, uartRxbuffer, sizeof(uartRxbuffer));
// waiting for an interrupt.
Thanks in advance for your help
2023-01-19 12:18 AM
You can't.
You can, however, do something different instead: fiddle a little with the linker script to put the vectors at the start of RAM, then put RAM at address 0.
2023-01-19 12:59 AM
thank you
2023-01-20 1:29 AM
I wonder ask you if your issue was resolved or you are stilling blocked :smirking_face:?
I wait your reply.
Best regards,
2023-01-20 1:37 AM
thanks for your quastion!
actually i needed to know if it is possible to go similar to STM32G030F6P.
if you have different solution, it would be nice to recommended.
2023-01-20 1:50 AM
Hi again @MSadk.2,
Please check which board exactly you are working with .Because, it seems that is a typing error existing here 'STM32030K6T ' and also if you are switching to use 'STM32G030F6P' board?
I wait your answer.
2023-01-20 2:34 AM
yes i forgot the F STM32F030K6T
2023-01-20 2:43 AM
Ok good so you want to use STM32F030K6T board ?
2023-01-20 3:12 AM
yes thanks for your answer
2023-01-20 5:34 AM
Hi again,
Could you please provide a complete project to help us reproduce your issue and further analyze it .