2019-06-07 6:01 AM
I've imported to STM32CubeIDE one of the SPI examples for Nucleo-H743ZI. SInce I saw weird behaviours related to LEDs, I investigated and found out that a compilaton option USE_STM32H7XX_NUCLEO_144_MB1364 is defined in the imported project that seems to be wrong (at least the LED mapping to GPIOs is wrong).
Anything I could have missed ?
I also didn't find how to disable properly this macro. I can see it in Project Settings > Preprocessors Include Paths > Settings Entries > CDT Managed Build *** but it's not possible to edit it.
2019-06-07 6:27 AM
For the record the only solution I found is to modify manually the .project and .cproject file but I don't find this very clean...
2019-06-07 6:28 AM
Looks like Nucleo-H743ZI are designed for the second generation of Nucleo ?