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Issue: Unable to Generate Command Line in STM32CubeIDE After Adding AI Network Files

Associate II

I generated the network code using the STM32Cube.AI CLI and now have network.c/.h files. I want to integrate them into my existing STM32CubeIDE project and use the main() function as mentioned in the documentation("file:///C:/Users/user2/STM32Cube/Repository/Packs/STMicroelectronics/X-CUBE-AI/9.1.0/Documentation/how_to_run_a_model_locally.html") (attached).

Since the documentation suggests creating a Makefile, I am instead trying to configure it within STM32CubeIDE. Here’s what I’ve done so far:

  1. Added network files: Moved network.c to Src/ and network.h to Inc/.
  2. Included AI Middleware Headers: Added all necessary files from C:\ST\STEdgeAI\2.0\Middlewares\ST\AI\Inc to Inc/.
  3. Linked the AI Library: Configured the linker settings to include the required AI libraries.(

However, when I try to build the project, I get the following error:

unable to generate command line.

The error seems to be triggered by the following code in the Makefile:


# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes USB_HOST/Target/%.o USB_HOST/Target/ USB_HOST/Target/%.cyclo: ../USB_HOST/Target/%.c USB_HOST/Target/ $(error unable to generate command line)

I’m stuck at this point. Is my integration process incorrect? Should I be doing something differently to properly include the AI network files? Any suggestions or workarounds would be highly appreciated!