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Is there any way to convert a KEIL project into a STM32Cube project?

Associate III
ST Employee

There isn't an importer specifically for a KEIL project inside STM32CubeIDE (such as with SW4STM32 or TrueSTUDIO). However, you might still be able to manually import a project by gradually moving source code from one project to the other and resolving any issues that arises.

Thanks Markus,
I imported manually all the files, I have to align the .h of the IDE, now with HAL in the name and I could try...
but how to import the pin out?
and how to make the makefile?
May you give me any suggestion?
Thanks a lot (first time I wanna use STM32Cube.....)
硬件2部 马云龙 (Maurizio Bonelli)
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Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

@LaoMa​  sounds you have a STM32CubeMX .ioc file available to you (you're asking how to import pinout).

If so you can easily move from Keil to STM32CubeIDE.

Either still rely on STM32CubeMX loading your .ioc file and move to project generator asking to generate code electing STM32CubeIDE as toolchain ! Remains to add your custom files.

Or rely on STM32CubeIDE itself Thanks "File > New > STM32 Project from an existing .ioc file" ! Remains to add your custom files.

Associate III

Thanks, Cartu.

not sure to have fully understood, I suppose to need a little deeper training but I will follow what you suggest, believing in your experience.

In case, I will post again .....


Thanks for tricks, but I do not have the .ioc file in the KEIL project. I suppose the code and pin-out were generated into the KEIL IDE.

I know the function of the pins, of course, but at this point I am stuck!

Any further suggestion?

To be noticed (but I'm sure you know it!) that in the new project generated in the STM23Cube, there's the .ioc file but with a note about the code need to be generated.

By logic, I would like to insert the pin-out, but then what about peripherals, clock and power modes which are all spare in the source code? (I see it's a mess, I know. but I really wanna pass to STM32Cube IDE.....

It could be that the step by step method has to be applied..... it will be long, unfortunately.

Waiting for info,

thanks again.
