2023-08-22 12:06 AM
Hi everyone,
so i am working on STM32C011F6P6
and i found i can only download code with reset pin connected
otherwise this error will come up
but i want to have gpio function on reset pin
is it possible to not use reset pin and get the download thing done ?
2023-08-22 12:44 AM
try in debug settings: connect -> software reset
2023-08-22 1:24 AM
Hi AScha.3,
do you mean reset behaviour?
if yes , it didn't work too
2023-08-22 3:35 AM
2023-08-22 6:44 AM
Are you reassigning PA13/PA14 from their default functions? If so, you'll need to reset in order to connect over SWD.
2023-08-22 7:15 AM
It's not a requirement, but it helps to get control in situations where you go into low power (turning off pins, and associated circuitry), or you change or redeploy the pins it's using for other purposes.
Providing a connection, or means of connection, with a fuller complement of pins will make debugging and production programming easier. There's more than one way to get signals off a board.
2023-08-22 11:01 PM
seems the same?
2023-08-22 11:03 PM
i set PA13 & PA14 as debug pin in STM32CubeIDE
any extra configuration i need to do to get rid of reset pin?