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Is anybody else seeing keyboard entry freeze when updating user labels from the LH panel in the Device Configuration Tool?

Associate II

Debian Linux : 4.19.152-1 (xfce 4.2 desktop manager)

STM32CubeIDE : 1.4.2 Build 7643_20200813_1322


I'm not sure if this is just a local problem to my installation of Linux or a more general issue.

If I attempt to update the user labels using the GPIO/Individual signals view from the LH options of the tool then after any pause in typing keyboard entry will freeze.

I'm guessing (as a UI developer) this is the timing gap in which it decides that I've finished typing and goes to update any associated views. The MCU view updates but subsequent keystrokes are ignored.

All other interaction is fine (menus still work and drop downs etc) however keystrokes are all ignored.

Annoyingly closing and reopening the perspective doesn't clear the problem. I have to restart the Eclipse application.

This makes it rather a mission to update these in bulk. Individually updating them on the representation of the MCU seems less prone to this but still from time to time exhibits the same problem.

