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I have been using a linux script generated CRC code instered into a HEX file on some other STM32 products. I am now implementing this for the STM32G431. The GUI is the 1.3.0 IDE. This has changed the debug config.


I want to specify the HEX file for data into the STM32 and the elf file for symbols used in the debugger. The User interfec has changed though and I seem to only be able to get one or the other (i.e. just the hex or just the elf).

This is a necessary operation as safety critical software need to be able to verify PROM contents

using a CRC32 generated off the target processor. Here is the modified 1.3.0 gui entry for the debugger0693W000000UxhsQAC.png


I got the compiler/linker to generate a hex file and now ignore the binary it produces.


 srec_cat mss.hex -intel -fill 0xFF 0x08000000 $CRC_ADDR -o mss.hex -intel -Output_Block_Size 16

It now pads this correctly. The crc32 I get from srec_cat now agrees with the ones generated on the STM32G431.

Thankyou berendi!