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I am using STM32CubeIDE with NUCLEO-G474RE. placed a logic to generate Sinewave (50 Hz) from a lookup table of in Timer1 interrupt. I am trying to plot this waveform in SWV data trace timeline.

Associate II

Most of the time non predicted values coming in graph (very big numbers but actual sine values are unit vectors).

My core clock is 170 Mhz,

Timer1 period overflow interrupt rate is 10 K Hz

intercafe SWD clock is 24000 K Hz

Serial wire viewer clock is 2000 H Hz

sometimes the waveform is proper, but most of the time its not. Is there any speed limitation or extra setting i need to do ?.

Surprisingly if i place sine wave code with delay of 1 milli second in main.c, its working as just as cool. But my project needs to run at 25K Hz minimum(control loop for power converters and sine wave will be generated in interrupt).

so please help me whether SWV support this rate or not,