2023-09-13 11:55 AM
I have a problem with a clock configuration on my STM32F072C8T6. I need the 48MHz clock (HSI48) for the onboard USB communication. I have enabled this via ioc in the clock configuration. Everything looks fine there and no conflict is reported.
Now as soon as I load my program on the STM32, the debug connection breaks as soon as the following line is executed (in the automatically generated SystemClock_Config function --> see attachment) :
__HAL_RCC_HSI48_ENABLE(); (in the stm32f0xx_hal_rcc.c file)
I see that this line only writes the CR2 register with the following command:
Unfortunately I can't see which error handler the STM32 goes into, because the debug connection breaks. I have also tried to increase the FLASH latency with the following line, unfortunately without success:
FLASH->ACR |= 0x1;
If I run the program with the 8MHz everything works without problems.
Am I missing something? Can someone help me? Thanks a lot!
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-09-20 11:02 AM
All VDD/VSS pins need connected to 3V3/GND. Surprised it works at all.
BOOT0 should generally be pulled down and not left floating.
2023-09-13 2:25 PM
Is this a custom board? How is the board being powered? Check NRST and VDD when it fails to help diagnose.
2023-09-13 2:53 PM
Hello @Touby
Ensure that you have applied the recommendation in the reference manual: ''
The HSI48RDY flag in the Clock control register (RCC_CR) indicates if the HSI48 RC is stable or not. At startup, the HSI48 RC output clock is not released until this bit is set by hardware.The HSI48 RC can be switched on and off using the HSI48ON bit in the Clock control register (RCC_CR). This oscillator will be also automatically enabled (by hardware forcing HSI48ON bit to one) as soon as it is chosen as a clock source for the USB and the peripheral is enabled.
Best regards.
2023-09-15 2:40 AM
Thank you for the answer. It is a custom board that provides a regulated 3.3V for the microcontroller.
About the comments:
- The 3.3V is stable and permanently present. It is exactly 3.3V.
- The NRST behaves a bit more special. If I disconnect the NRST connection to my ST-Link programmer, I can continue debugging (again up to the mentioned line for the HSI48). However, if I connect my oscilloscope to this pin and want to measure the NRST, I can measure a square wave signal with period = 2.7ms and the ST-Link Programmer loses the connection to the microcontroller. This square wave voltage also occurs when I measure the NRST after said line has been executed.
Thanks for your help!
2023-09-15 3:00 AM
Thank you for the answer. I already tried to set the bits in this register manually with RCC->CR2 |= 0x10000; (as mentioned above). Now I first read the HSI48RDY flag before I set the HSI48On bit (with RCC->CR2 & 0x2000) and this was = 1. So I checked the recommendation in the reference manual.
Best regards, Touby
2023-09-15 6:58 AM
> However, if I connect my oscilloscope to this pin and want to measure the NRST, I can measure a square wave signal with period = 2.7ms
Okay, so it's resetting itself, probably on the line in question. I don't see why it would do that unless there's a power issue. Are you measuring VDD with a multimeter or an oscilloscope? A multimeter will not show a drop that could be the cause of the reset.
Is this a genuine chip?
Check the RCC->CSR flags on startup (and then clear them) to determine the cause of the reset, but probably not much to learn there.
That's all the ideas I have. Good luck.
2023-09-17 4:48 AM
Yes, I understand the point. I also powered the microcontroller via the ST-Link programmer, same behavior. I measured the voltage with the oscilloscope.
Yes it is the real chip from STM.
The RCC->CSR flags are all ok. When I look at the register, I see only the two startup resets (POR and NRST). I have also deleted these manually, unfortunately without further success.
I will continue to search for a solution and if necessary post the solution here.
2023-09-19 2:08 AM - edited 2023-09-19 2:09 AM
Now a little update on my problem.
I have now put the USB and HSI48 problem aside and after a while I noticed that probably the power supply really causes the problem. If I use too many GPIO's (at high speed), the MCU also says goodbye (at 8MHz clock).
My power supply is designed as follows:
12V are available as source and with a step-down converter (TPS562231DRLR) 5.1V is generated. Afterwards I use a linear regulator to generate the 3.3V (AP7380-33Y-13). This can supply 150mA...obviously not enough for 48MHz. In the datasheet (table 29 and 30) I found a value of a little less than 30mA with HSI48 switched on. But that would contradict my opinion again.
In summary I can say: As soon as I am back in the workshop, I will feed the MCU with a powerful 3.3V power supply and measure the current. I will post the results here.
PS: The power supply via the ST-Link is a very bad idea. After I turned on some more outputs and used an i2c port, the ST-Link could not hold the voltage level of 3.3V. Via the external power supply everything went fine.
2023-09-19 5:38 AM
I've been suggesting it's likely a power issue since post 1. But if it was a power issue, you should have seen VDD dropping on the scope.
2023-09-20 1:27 AM
That's true, of course, but I also thought it was an incorrect measurement on my part.
I could now test it in the lab and got the same result again (with my pricey lab power supply) . As soon as the CR2 register is written (any bits), the microcontroller goes into reset mode. So I checked the addressing of the CR2 register in the CMSIS files. The RCC register is addressed with 0x40021000, so it is correct according to the reference manual. The offset of the CR2 register is 0x34 according to the reference manual. If I now press the macro CR2 via the above described ways to get to the definition (finally in the stm32f072xb.h file), I am shown 5 different options how the CR2 offset is defined. I didn't quite figure it out in the corresponding file.
Therefore I tried the direct way:
#define reg_32 *(( volatile unsigned long *) 0x40021034 )
reg_32 |= 0x10000;
Even with this I can't write to the CR2 register (I hope the direct addressing is correct, I haven't done it for a while). Now I have no idea, except to put an external oscillator on the board or to throw this microcontroller in the garbage can and try another USB capable microcontroller.