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How to solve Error Finishing Flash Operation in STM32CubeIDE?


Recurring Error Message in STM32CubeIDE When Running or Debugging a Project. It shows-

'Launching pain Debug' Has encountered a problem.

Error in final launch sequence:

Failed to execute MI command: load

C:\\Users\\USER\\STM32CubelDE\\workspace_1.12.1\\pain\\ Debug\\pain.elf

Error message from debugger back end:

Error finishing flash operation.

and also it showing

"Error in final launch sequence:

Failed to execute MI command:

load C:\\Users\\USER\\STM32CubeIDE\\workspace_1.12.1\\try\\Debug\\try.elf 

Error message from debugger back end:

Error finishing flash operation

Failed to execute MI command:

load C:\\Users\\USER\\STM32CubeIDE\\workspace_1.12.1\\try\\Debug\\try.elf 

Error message from debugger back end:

Error finishing flash operation

Failed to execute MI command:

load C:\\Users\\USER\\STM32CubeIDE\\workspace_1.12.1\\try\\Debug\\try.elf 

Error message from debugger back end:

Error finishing flash operation

Error finishing flash operation"

How to solve this problem? We are using STM32 NUCLEO-F446RE Board

Associate II

I also encountered a similar issue like you, and I resolved it by connecting the NRST pin of the MCU with the NRST pin of the ST LINK V2.