2019-05-21 10:04 AM
I am using a NUCLEO-H743ZI board.
Using STM32CubeMX, I was able to set SYSCLOCK to 400 MHz like so:
With STM32CubeIDE, it won't allow me to do the same:
What should I be doing here instead?
STM32CubeIDE has been really frustrating.
2019-05-21 10:18 AM
I found similar - it kept knocking DIVN1 back from *8 to *7 on me.
2019-05-21 3:35 PM
Similar here.
I tried it on two different laptops for the NUCLEO-H743ZI.
A short test on a ubuntu machine revealed no problems.
On the other machine running macOS High Sierra the user interface for the clock configuration seems broken.
When I click one of the dividers the drop down menu appears, but disappears again immediatly when I start moving the mouse.
It is possible to use the arrow keys, but the value selected has no effect on the shown frequency after the divider - most of the time.
Another project for a STM32F0 showed the same issues.
Maybe it is a macOS specific issue?
2019-05-21 4:43 PM
It is like that on Win7 as well. Moving the mouse makes the dropdown disappear. I have to use the arrow keys/PgUp/PgDn to select a divider. But then it shows up red and doesn't take effect.
Really don't know how this is considered usable. I've pretty much given up and went back to TrueStudio and CubeMX, which has its own problems, but I can at least get something working further with it.