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how to open new project for F103 with SPLibrary

Associate III

hello forum ,

I am trying to open new project for F103C8 with SPL ( starting with empty project )

I squeezed errors down as to the following picture

how can I go further ? thank you


Associate III

nobody has an answer ?

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

Any chance to share your ptoject (zip file) ? ST is no more doing promotion of SPL since a while not sure you'll get so much support ...

Associate III

zip file attached - thank you

Lead III

I suggest another route.

Get the SPL for the F10x MCUs or for the VL-Discovery (if you haven't already), and pick one of the provided example projects.

Get it to compile/build, and then replace the main application sources with your own.

I used to do it that way.

hello thank you

I did just like what you suggested - I clicked the project file(GPIO_Toggle_Project of VLDiscovery board) and CubeIDE opened the project

however when I tried to build it gives following error - any advice thanks


Definitively not SPL expert.

Your compilation issue is related to following lines. Commenting them is solving trouble.

0693W000005Ac5FQAS.pngBut such code may be useful ... so maybe so help here:

SPL proposal is really deprecated one ... no more support on.

Please tag such post as answered if ok to you it will help community