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How to make a variable float to const float

Associate III

Dear All,

I compile a program with cube ide and would like to know how the float variable is const float.

sample is. 

float a

const float  b

b = a;




And I can't edit or pull code from a screen shot/bitmap.

Make a structure you're configuration items live in.

Create routines to read, write and validate this structure you can place in FLASH or EEPROM

FOO foo = { 0 };

void InitFoo(FOO *foo, EEPROM *eeprom)
  foo->donkeys = 12;
  foo->freqHz = eeprom->freqHz;
  foo->speedRPM = eeprom->speedRPM;  


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I will keep trying,
My project needs to set parameters from a keypad.

Ok,Thanks  you