2021-07-13 2:34 AM
The example given in STMCUBEMX its support keil,ARM .I have to run that example on STMCUBEIDE someone tell me how I can run the example on CUBEIDE.
2021-07-13 2:48 AM
Hello @MDeva.1 ,
Have a look at these resources that helped you on creating and building projects with STM32CubeIDE:
2021-07-13 3:24 AM
The example that provided in STMCUBEMX i just want to run it on CUBEIDE.Becuase the example are open in CUBEIDE but unable to debug that.So can you help me?
2021-07-13 3:31 AM
Which CubeMX example are you using ?
Which versions of tools (CubeMX, CubeIDE) ?
What kind of issue do you observed? What exactly did the error message?
Can you please provide more details on the message error (screenshots) ?
2021-07-13 4:04 AM
I am using the NUCLEO-H745ziq board in cubemx there is example of SPI_FULLDUPLEX_DMA i just want to run this example on my board.But when i open this example on cubeide it does not debug and I am unable to run the example on board
2021-07-13 5:23 AM
I have checked the example, and it's worked successfully for me.
Try to upgrade the firmware version using STM32CubeProgrammer. Then disconnect and connect your board.
Please share the screenshot of the error that you see, to have more idea about your issue.
2021-07-13 5:41 AM
I am using the version of stmcubeide 1.5.1 and the error pic is attched
2021-07-13 7:01 AM
The STM32CubeIDE v 1.5.1 only supports the STM32CubeH7 MCU package v1.8.0 (old release).
So, you should update and use the latest release of STM32CubeIDE (v 1.6.0 ) with the STM32CubeH7 (v 1.9.0)
Please try this and keep me informed about your update.
When your question is answered, please close this topic by choosing Select as Best. This will help other members find that answer faster.
2021-07-15 8:01 AM
Hi @MDeva.1 ,
I'm waiting for your feedback.
Did you tried my proposal ? Does it work ?
2021-07-18 9:59 PM
Sorry for late replying. I update the version of stmcubeide.But when project is open CM4 files are not opened. On CM4 cross marking is showing. So only CM7 .elf is getting.