2022-12-01 5:07 AM
The "automatic updates" show me a new version 1.11.0. After starting the process it stops with following error:
Problem Occured.
'Updating Sortware' has encounterd a problem. An error occured while collecting items to be intstalled
The details>> shows a large list of errros like this:
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=STM32CubeIDE, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.st.stm32cube.common.mx,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.st.stm32cube.common.mx.oss,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.st.stm32cube.common.mx.stinsider,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.st.stm32cube.ide.common.services,2.1.400.202207051747
And so on.
My available software sites under "preferences -> Install/Update" are
What to do to solve this problem?
Please help me.
Thanks Hans
2022-12-02 2:09 AM
Well... it gets even weirder.
Let's eliminate any conflicts between software sites, keep only a check-mark on the 2 sw-center.st.com urls and try again.
If still not working please share your workspace log files (workspace_path/.metadata/*.log) to see if it guides us.
2022-12-02 3:28 AM
2022-12-02 3:29 AM
2022-12-02 6:51 AM
Given all the No repository found at https://foo.bar exceptions I'm surprised that the Reload had terminated with success.
No repository found at https://sw-center.st.com/stm32cubeide/openstlinux/updatesite1
No repository found at https://sw-center.st.com/stm32cubeide/updatesite1
Those ones are definitely the root cause of the update failure.
The 2 usual causes are :
1/ is not an option here, I checked it on 2 PCs, 1 being a public computer.
Thus remains the 2/ ..
Are you behind a proxy ? If so, did you well set the proxy settings in STM32CubeIDE (Preferences > General > Network Connections) ? Is it a corporate computer with special IT policies ?
2022-12-03 7:46 AM
It's really very strange. I'm not behind a proxy and it's my private Laptop at home with no special IT policies.
I also temporarily disabled Norton Security, no effect.
Unitl now i have had no problems with any updates and auto-updates.
The windows control panel for programs shows:
STMicroelectronics STM32CubeIDE 1.8.0 installed on 1.12.2021 2,37GB version 1.8.0
I also have installed STM32CubeProgrammer version 2.9.0 and STMicroelectronics stlink-server version 2.0.2-3
Perhaps this is a help?
2022-12-04 6:49 PM
Disk space being too low for temp file?
Doing a full separate install instead of upgrades enables incremental debug and backup. Freeware cost you time in this particular case.
2022-12-04 7:03 PM
It's not because it is free, but because the Eclipse is a junk. It's only slightly better than the HAL broken bloatware and the SalesForce parody of the forum...
EmBitz is also a freeware, but is not a PITA!
2022-12-05 1:13 AM
Indeed the disk space could be something to look at, you need at least 2,5Gb.
STM32CubeProgrammer and Stlink-server installations do not interfere with STM32CubeIDE updater.
About your STM32CubeIDE update history, do you remember what was the updated versions starting from 1.8.0 ? All releases (base 1.8.0 -> 1.9.0 -> 1.10.0 -> 1.10.1) ?
Could you also paste screenshots of your current Available Software Sites page and the dialog appearing once the Reload completes ?
If no obvious reason is found you may have to consider what has been already proposed above; do a fresh installation.
2022-12-05 2:08 AM
2022-12-05 2:08 AM