2020-07-28 01:44 PM
#include <rt_sys.h>
I have this fuction in somefile
__asm void MSR_MSP(u32 addr)
MSR MSP, r0 //set Main Stack value
BX r14
__asm void MSR_MSP(u32 addr)
volatile("MSR MSP, r0")
2020-07-28 02:28 PM
Might be easier to generate a project in CubeIDE and then transfer your user code over. Kiel uses a different compiler, so a lot of system files are not going to transfer over well.
2020-07-28 07:44 PM
You don't have rt_sys.h and probably don't need it. If you have semi-hosting for putchar/fputc then you're going to have to replace that plumbing with GNU/GCC equivalent code.
You'll also need to move to CMSIS supported __set_MSP() from Drivers\CMSIS\Include\cmsis_gcc.h
2020-07-29 11:39 AM
cubeide uses GCC. GCC have different naming conventions than ARMCC used by keil. for example writing assembly functions is different. Read gcc-arm-non-eabi documentation for more details.
2020-07-29 01:15 PM
Create a cubeIDE project, set the mcu and packages and the peripheral and clocks settting and from there, import your source files incrementally.
Eclipse fans will like CubeIDE, Keil or IAR...