2019-07-26 7:42 PM
In this above situation I am using STM32f105rc microcontroller and uploading code using SWD(Serial Wire Debugger). When I am using utility it gets scanned but when I am trying to upload code from cube ide then It doesn't go on. I don't what settings I am missing or doing wrong, I have used normal blinker code to toggle the pin B12.
Please can anyone help me, since my critical project is going on so. need to solve my problem asap.
Thanks in advance.
2019-07-26 9:45 PM
With debugger, use peripheral view, inspect registers for RCC, clock enables, and GPIO bank configuration.
Pull the RM0008 Reference Manual, review register settings.
2019-07-27 12:12 AM
Thanx for the reply but actually the issue got solved. Issue was in declaring the crystal oscillator configuration. Earlier I was declaring the HSE to be ceramic/crystal Resonator but I looked up in some of the nucleo boards and found that for HSE I need to put it in BYPASS CLOCK SOURCE. I think it is for By- passing the crystal pulses from internal crystal and using the pulses from the external oscillator.
By making this change it started to work.
But right Now I am facing another problem :-
Error in final launch sequence: Failed to execute MI command: target remote localhost:61234
Error message from debugger back end: localhost:61234: The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive.
Failed to execute MI command: target remote localhost:61234
Error message from debugger back end: localhost:61234: The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive.
localhost:61234: The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive.
I am using chip STM32f105rc and using STMCUBE IDE, I think I make some config issue in gdb server setting but I am not able to find what setting it is which I am doing wrong. Please help..
Thanks in advance