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Hello all, CubeIDE project panel icons have changed. How to get back to original state? I see question marks on some, in some other instances '>' precedes the file name, some show a location name although the folder is in the workspace.

Parmin Nayani
Associate III
ST Employee

Hello @Parmin Nayani​ 

First let me thank you for posting.

Could you please provide more details about the tool behavior

  • Screenshots for the changed icons
  • did you try something that could be the cause of this behavior

I can suggest that you create another workspace where you try to import the same project and verify if the issue still exsit.

Kind regards,


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Parmin Nayani
Associate III

Hi Semer CHERNI,

Thank you for your reply. Here is a picture showing some projects. As you suggested I imported a project into another workspace and here it opened properly. However, the workspace I normally use has many projects and it is here the problem cropped up. Hope you will find the issue. Thank you very much once again.

Best regards
