2021-06-11 7:59 AM
Hi, I recently tested cubeide 1.6.1 on latest Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Debian 10.9.0 stable, both gave me GTK critical error when trying to launch configuration tool, both had issues with loading configuration menus (lists : sys, timers ect).
Im now installing ubuntu 21.x And will try again.
Is it cubeide or operating system issue? Should I try older version of cubeide, or maybe there is something missing in my operating systems installations?
Edit: with ubuntu 21 and cubeide 1.6.0 without update it seems to work (still got gtk errors but configuration tool loads ok).
2021-06-15 1:28 AM
I'm glad to hear that it seems to work with Ubuntu 21 and 1.6.0.
Do you have any screenshot of how it looked at the beginning when you received the error?