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Files for STM32H563 External Loader


Anybody have Linker.ld and Loader_src.c file for STM32H563?  I have done one for the STM32H743 on another project and made an attempt to modify these for the STM32H563 but it's not working.  Appreciate any guidance.

I changed the RAM location from 0x24000000 for the H7 to 0x20000000 for the H5 but not sure what else is different as it pertains to a loader.

Something with the Init could be wrong...

int Init(void) {
  *(uint32_t*)0xE000EDF0 = 0xA05F0000; //enable interrupts in debug

  // Added per suggestion from ST to clear out QSPI structure
  memset(&hospi1, 0, sizeof(hospi1));


   * change VTOR setting for H5 device
   * SCB->VTOR = 0x20000000 | 0x200;
   * change VTOR setting for other devices
   * SCB->VTOR = 0x20000000 | 0x200;
   * */
  SCB->VTOR = 0x20000000 | 0x200;

  __set_PRIMASK(0); //enable interrupts




  __HAL_RCC_OSPI1_FORCE_RESET();  //completely reset peripheral

  if (CSP_QUADSPI_Init() != HAL_OK) {
    __set_PRIMASK(1); //disable interrupts
    return LOADER_FAIL;

  if (CSP_QSPI_EnableMemoryMappedMode() != HAL_OK) {
    __set_PRIMASK(1); //disable interrupts
    return LOADER_FAIL;

  /*Trigger read access before HAL_QSPI_Abort() otherwise abort functionality gets stuck*/
  uint32_t a = *(uint32_t*) 0x90000000;

  __set_PRIMASK(1); //disable interrupts
  return LOADER_OK;

Accepted Solutions

The VTOR address would be 0x20003000 | 0x200 if using interrupts, like ST does. The address is aligned to 0x200 (ie 8 zeros) boundaries.

The H7 build at 0x24000004, most others at 0x20000004. It's basically the address of the primary RAM

The .map file should provide some confirmation of where g_pfnVectors resides in the build

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View solution in original post


ST builds the H5 loaders for 0x20003004

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Thanks for the tip!  Does the Vector Table Offset Register (VTOR) need to be adjusted for this device like the H7?  Maybe 0x20003004 | 200?


Also I assume the H5 still uses 0x90000000 as the virtual address for external Flash over QSPI?

The VTOR address would be 0x20003000 | 0x200 if using interrupts, like ST does. The address is aligned to 0x200 (ie 8 zeros) boundaries.

The H7 build at 0x24000004, most others at 0x20000004. It's basically the address of the primary RAM

The .map file should provide some confirmation of where g_pfnVectors resides in the build

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Yes, that's what I ended up using and got it working with some slight modifications to my OSPI drivers and loader_src.c.  For some reason this one didn't like to use Abort to get out of memory mapped mode so I needed to do call the QSPI initialization at the start of each operation (read, write, or erase).