2019-05-15 6:15 AM
Dear community,
Edit: This thread was initially made to clear up some confusion about what functionality STM32CubeIDE was intended to have. As the tool has now been released for a while I believe that is has become more clear. However, having easy access to the known problems and limitations is still very helpful so I will keep this thread pinned.
Although, to spare myself from having to continuously update this thread I will simply link to the release note where this information is available:
The release note can be found here (RN0114).
2019-06-26 1:00 AM
There's a ticket and I've seen some reports about possible deletion of code upon problems with project regeneration. But you guys ran into this problem upon project creation? If so, do you have a reliable way to recreate it?
2019-07-01 7:06 AM
I've been running STM32CubeIDE in the last weeks in MacOS and Linux and there is no auto complete suggestions working whatsoever
Everything was working correctly in TrueStudio in this project that I've imported to STM32Cube IDE.
Is there some required configuration to execute? Any work around ?
Just found a fix for that in this post: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000AkRr8fSQC/stm32cubeide-autocomplete-ctrlspace-is-not-working
There is a config required to enable the auto complete correctly
2019-07-06 3:10 AM
In my project I use some partions of conditionally compiled code accordingly to Cortex-M0 or Cortex-M3/4 core selected. Code compiles fine, but there is issue with Eclipse Indexer.
MCU ARM GCC Built-in Compiler Settings provider shows such ARM architecture version which should be 6 or 7 instead:
After some investigation I found that for some reason ${FLAGS} not substituted during compiler properties scanner invoking, so it returns default architecture i think.
Default scanner invoking string (not changed):
${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} -E -P -v -dD "${INPUTS}"
Which leads to such log in console:
12:47:10 **** Running scanner discovery: MCU ARM GCC Built-in Compiler Settings ****
arm-none-eabi-g++ -E -P -v -dD C:/......
If I will manually change scanner invoking string to:
${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} -mcpu=cortex-m4 -std=gnu11 -E -P -v -dD "${INPUTS}"
I will get correct scanner result for ARM architecture:
12:47:10 **** Running scanner discovery: MCU ARM GCC Built-in Compiler Settings ****
arm-none-eabi-g++ -mcpu=cortex-m4 -std=gnu11 -E -P -v -dD C:/......
Eclipse Indexer is powerfull feature, however this bug leads to incorrect indexing result and code highlight accordingly to compiler's built-in macro definitions. Will it be fixed in future?
2019-07-06 11:16 PM
Yes, see my post here: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000B07u7USQQ/how-do-i-report-a-critical-bug-to-st
2019-07-06 11:17 PM
Yes, see my post here: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000B07u7USQQ/how-do-i-report-a-critical-bug-to-st
2019-07-16 11:35 AM
SFRs View is missing register descriptions, because the column is missing and it is not possible to add it simply. The description shows up in the details view:
2019-08-05 11:18 AM
One feature that would be helpful would be the ability to change devices without starting from scratch. For example at least being able to switch between different pin count versions of the same part. This would help with switching from a Nucleo or Discovery board to a custom board.
2019-08-06 12:39 AM
Maybe another defect for 1.0.2.
After upgrading to 1.0.2, every time I click the 'generate code' button, my C++ project will be converted to C project, and I have to covert it back manually.
This problem was not exist in verion 1.0.1.
2019-08-12 12:06 AM
I found another bug. The path "Window->Preferences->Run/Debug->C/C++ Embedded Aplication->Serial Wire Viewer" doesn't exist. Right path "Windows->Preferences->STM32Cube->Serial Wire Viewer'
2019-08-14 11:31 AM
errata: your ADC sample time in both the User Manual and CubeMx is wrong/misleading