2019-05-15 6:15 AM
Dear community,
Edit: This thread was initially made to clear up some confusion about what functionality STM32CubeIDE was intended to have. As the tool has now been released for a while I believe that is has become more clear. However, having easy access to the known problems and limitations is still very helpful so I will keep this thread pinned.
Although, to spare myself from having to continuously update this thread I will simply link to the release note where this information is available:
The release note can be found here (RN0114).
2019-08-14 11:51 AM
Still getting reports of project import function failing to build with Java NULL pointer errors.
x-cube-spn2 SW4STM32 project imported into CubeIDE
An internal error occurred during: "Build Project".
2019-08-14 3:49 PM
2019-08-15 5:13 AM
The original .cproject file contains dynamic variables which are not expanded. Apparently SW4STM32 can cope with these. CubeIDE cannot. Will discuss the issue internally with relevant teams. Thanks for reporting!
2019-08-15 6:57 AM
I don't know where is the best place to add my bug report, but it is really annoying. With CubeIDE version v1.0.2 on a windows10 machine when I change some peripheral settings in the CubeMX plugin and regenerate the project the source location and include path settings are reverted back to default (both in Basic and Advanced folder structure settings). This is very annoying if your custom code is in a separate folder.
2019-08-15 11:32 PM
Hi, I have encountered two problems when using STM32CUBEIDE.
2019-08-16 1:00 AM
Thanks! Confirmed regression. Will look into this for next release.
2019-08-16 1:15 AM
Confirmed. Same thing as reported by szabolcs.vereb1 above. Very annoying. Will look into it. Also considering how to improve our automatic validation test suites for the future.
A big challenge is that since MX and Eclipse are based on different GUI frameworks. There is no single UI test tool that can interact and test both tools. Hence we use different UI test tools for the MX and IDE. This makes it difficult to run test campaigns that exercises real development cycles using both tools in iterations.
2019-08-28 6:38 AM
An important bug that is non listed is the one reportden in this post: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000BFzqKOSQZ/prebuild-and-post-build-step-deleted-when-the-project-is-regenerated-from-cubemx
2019-08-30 1:28 AM
the error box "create startup failure: cannot copy script template" will pop out because some file becomes marked read-only. For me it is the startup_stm32xxxxx.s file. I clear the read-only flag but a little while later this file becomes read-only again. I suppose the CubeMX plug-in does it.
About the big challenge. If some plug-in functionality such as files generating isn't tightly coupled with GUI, there should be no (big) problem to automate tests of such functionality independent of GUI kind. ;)
2019-09-01 8:51 AM
In CubeMX 5.3/CubeIde 1.0.2 on windows 10 it always hangs/freezes on generating user code