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Empty FreeRTOS Queue window

Mike xx
Associate III

As per subject. I can see the tasks but it would be most useful if I can see queue status as a USB task isn't always responsive, and mouse movements are discarded if the queue is full.

I have added the 12 or so queues into the registry with the vQueueAddToRegistry() function but they are still not visible.

configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY is defined as "1".


Clearly I am missing something but it's not obvious what?

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Which version?

Mike xx
Associate III

Many thanks.

I’m using STM32CubeIDE version 1.15.1

And using STM32CubeMx version 6.11.1

Libraries STM32Cubde FW_4 V1.28.0

FreeRTOS Version 10.3.1

CMIS-RTOS version 2.00

To my knowledge all version are up to date BICBW

The Task window works well, and I even have the Task utilisation percentages. But getting the Queues to work has beaten me.

Mike xx
Associate III

Can anyone make any suggestions where else I can ask this question for a solution?