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I can program my bespoke board using a repurposed USB port. It would normally be used by a mouse.I was under the impression that if I powered up the board with BOOT0 pin held high the MCU would be in a state to connect to USB and do it's enumeration....
As per subject. I can see the tasks but it would be most useful if I can see queue status as a USB task isn't always responsive, and mouse movements are discarded if the queue is full.I have added the 12 or so queues into the registry with the vQueue...
I have a FreeRTOS queue with many calls from various tasks.I would like to assign elements of a variable that is passed into the queue with the file name and line number of the task that is placing the variable on the queue.I have a corruption issue ...
I am struggling to find working examples to work with FreeRTOS in an interrupt mode.I use the function HAL_I2C_Slave_Transmit_IT() This enables the interrupt as well as setting up the data.It works to a point, then the remote Master send a Nak and 8 ...
My understanding of a non-blocking function is that the function will return immediately, and it is up to you to use a callback or other method to collect the data. With FreeRTOS it's not difficult.Yet HAL_FMPI2C_Mem_Read_IT() seems to hang around an...
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