2024-10-10 5:33 AM
stm32 nucleo board use ethernet communiction send string on board pb7 led on same off string
It looks like you're trying to implement a TCP client on an STM32 Nucleo board that controls an LED connected to pin PB7 based on the string send on sever received from a TCP client. You mentioned that the code is not functioning as expected, specifically that the LED does not turn ON or OFF despite receiving the correct strings ("ON" or "OFF") from the Hercules TCP server. hercules software use
2024-10-10 6:47 AM
@Snehal2001 wrote:It looks like you're trying to ...
Who are you addressing here? Is this meant to be a reply to something?
2024-10-10 9:13 PM
stm32 nucleo board use ethernet communiction send string on board pb7 led on same off string
stm32f746 nucleo board use ethernet communiction herculus software use tcp server send string on tcp client receive string than board pb7 led on same off string ethernet use all file code send
2024-10-11 3:11 AM - edited 2024-10-11 3:12 AM
That doesn't answer the question!
What are you talking about?
Do you have a question to ask?