2021-12-17 2:25 PM
Hello, I would like to connected my STM32F746G Disco board to the server on PC computer. I started from example from STM32CubeMX. I would like to do something like that:
PC computer as server - I using Hescules Setup Utility.
STM32F746NG - Disco as client LwIP no RTOS.
My issues is that I cannot connect to the server.
Please find in the attachment my firmware and raport from wireshark.
I tried the solution from:
But doesn't work for me.
Ping from PC to STM32 work(<1ms).
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255
I noticed that during trying connection with server(Hercules) if I switch the tab in Hercules application to "TCP client" and click connect and return to TCP server I got connection and then I can even reset the STM32 board and I can connect to the server until I close Hercules. It seems weird but it's the only way I've found so far to connect.
I will just add that if I use the STM32Disco as server and PC as client it work fine, the same with UDP.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for all hint and information.
2022-12-14 7:43 AM
Sorry for the delayed answer.
Since Ping is OK, UDP server/client are OK and TCP server is OK, the very likely thing that can be wrong is the way of testing your TCP client.
Make sure that you launched the TCP server (hercules) before launching the TCP Client (STM32).
This way of testing is optional on UDP (maybe that's why it works).