2022-08-18 3:54 AM
When I enable the DAC in my STM32CubeIDE project in the MX Device Configuration Tool, it does not put the DAC support files in the STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver folder. I end up having to add them into my project manually. Is this normal, or is there a way to configure the tool to add in the required C and H files required by the components I enable with the tool? I am using the STM32F469i-Discovery board.
2022-08-22 2:00 AM
I cannot reproduce the issue.
Which version of MX/IDE? Which version of CubeF4?
If you supply the ioc-file, we can try to re-produce the issue with your exact configuration...
2022-08-22 5:56 AM
STM32CubeIDE 1.10.1
Windows 11 21H2
Java 8 update 333
I should note that this project was generated using TouchGFX 4.20.0, and this is the warning I always get when I open the IOC file. I saw on another post that you never should Migrate to the latest version, just stick with the version that you are given, so I always choose Continue.
2022-08-24 2:34 AM
Also, here is what I am visually seeing in my project with the IDE: