2020-06-26 2:40 PM
Hi All!
I'm trying to flash my first project to stm32vldiscovery using CubeIDE under Linux (ubuntu 18.04). I tried different debug configuration, but I didn't meet success. I saw different errors such as "Target unknown error 27" or just "Failed to start GDB server".
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any appropriate documentation myself.
What should I do to flash my board? Could you please clarify what config should I use?
Thanks a lot and sorry for this question. I've spent too much time not to ask for help.
2020-06-26 2:45 PM
The VL Discovery board is VERY OLD, with a deprecated version of the ST-LINK which has very little support at this juncture.
Check if the GDB Server or OpenOCD support, or have options for, the ST-LINK/V1
2020-06-27 2:05 PM
Thanks for you advice! I set up debug configuration that you can see below and saw a bunch of errors. I really want to know what I did wrong
2020-06-30 7:04 AM
@Community member is right. This is a very old board. Probably the only board embedding the ST-LINK/V1. ST-LINK/V1 is not supported by CubeIDE.
Would recommend to get another board. A possible option could be to use external debug probe and connect it on the 4-pin SWD header. Works on other Nucleos/Discos. But a new board is certainly a better solution.