2020-06-26 11:00 AM
I am trying to step through the How To guide for bringing up a board in the TouchGFX documentation. During "Step 2. CPU Running" I ran into an issue with the step that tests the system timer. I was able to execute the first test regarding the clock configuration, however the breakpoints I have set on the call to HAL_Delay(5000) and the while loop never get reached when I am debugging.
I have set up the project for a STM32F469I-Discovery board, with the default pinout configurations, and an advanced application structure. Is there an obvious reason why my breakpoints are not being reached? I noticed that the test of the Clock configuration required a breakpoint before all the function calls to intialize configured peripherals. This breakpoint was reached just fine. The breakpoints required to test the System Timer are after these initialization functions are called. Could there be a problem in one of these Init functions?
Thank you for your help.
2020-06-26 5:13 PM
If your breakpoints aren't getting reached, run the program and hit pause to see where the code execution is at.
Could also be that your breakpoint is not actually enabled due to limited number of hardware breakpoints. There is an error message if this is the case but it's easy to miss.
2020-06-30 7:14 AM
As TDK said, check where you get stuck. Also check your optimization level. Breakpoints and code mapping to instructions typically works well with -O0 and -Og, but with any other optimization level, the behavior becomes dodgy. --> You may not be executing what you think you are executing. --> Try some instruction stepping...