2019-06-20 6:51 AM
Hi Community,
I create a new project for my STM32F769i-DISCO board with the default settings.
In configurator under GRAPHICS display resolution (480x272) appears to be incorrect - see screenshot. Correct resolution for this board is 800x480. Where/how do I change it? It may be a bug. Also, platform settings are not set.
Are there any CubeIDE tutorials (YouTube etc) available for this flagship board?
2019-06-20 9:57 AM
Hi there,
I believe that the physical display resolution can be changed under the LTDC tab, but that's only the start of the problems faced when trying to use CubeIDE with F769i-DISCO. I have been trying to configure the IDE to work well with it but am still stumped after multiple days of work. I know others have experienced some similar issues. I don't think they have any specific tutorials for this board with CubeIDE, but hopefully they will soon.
2019-06-20 1:15 PM
Thank you for the confirmation. Probably I will wait until CubeIDE is more prime time ready since it seems like uphill battle.
On YouTube I found some tutorial for STM32F746G-DISCO (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOs2LYO7wSA) but nothing for STM32F769i-DISCO.
Probably the reason is this board is not fully supported yet.
2019-06-21 6:43 AM
It seems like the Cube* team is not ready to admit that product based on Eclipse is never going to fly.
Just a thought..
2019-06-24 9:33 AM
Hi guys,
Did you get any chance with STMCubeIDE + STM32F769 ?
I spent the two last days on it, get it to compile and flash but cannot display anything on the screen using touch GFX.
Thank you,
2019-06-24 12:05 PM
Hi Yves,
Still haven't made too much progress with the STM32F769 and CubeIDE. It seems like no one has figured it out yet, and I have also reached out to other ST personnel and it seems like no one quite has it figured out. I've since moved to using the STM32F746G Disco, hoping that it is similar enough to transfer any work over to custom STM32F769 boards once we have a workaround for that board. Hopeful it is soon. Will keep trying.
2019-06-25 4:07 AM
2019-06-25 5:05 AM
Hi Yves and Tyler,
I was able to get graphics working with TouchGFX but without CubeMX/CubeIDE.
However, after some trying I think I am NOT going to use TouchGFX for project which may lead to a serious commercial product - for fun development it would be OK.
90% of TouchGFX functionality I do not need, while it uses proprietary libraries I will not be able to fix if I have to. Not to mention in my opinion the product is lacking first class support/attention.
All I need is an example of how to draw a pixel, line and rectangle. Probably simple shapes are supported by the built-in 2D accelerator.
It almost feels like such knowledge is kept secret and TouchGFX is (will be if/when it actually works with CubeIDE) the only official way.
2019-07-07 6:14 AM
@TMitc & @Yves Bernard
You may want to look at mbed.com. They have many templates, including LCD support, all code is open sourced!
Mbed OS contains classes and methods for graphics. E.g. writing simple clock application took me 30 min.
Generated code can be exported to other environments, including VS Code.
I just managed to build LCD example using VS Code and GCC compiler.
Some links you may find useful:
2019-12-07 8:25 PM
The post below provides some insight as to how to setup this board. The board needs QSPI support but cubemx does not provide it yet. The steps here are fairly straightforward but will only work with IAR I think or Keil. I believe that the linker file has to be setup to support QSPI. This is problematic in CUBEIDE for example as the linker file format is different than that of those other two IDEs.