2020-08-11 7:00 PM
How can I get STM32CubeIDE to show proposed function documentatioin when I press Ctrl+Space? For example, if I type "HAL_UART" and press Ctrl+Space, it shows many proposed functions. How to I get it to show the documentation from these functions. That is, the comments in the *.c and *.h source files for the proposed functions. Other C/C++ IDEs show it, but I can not get STM32CubeIDE to show it.
2020-08-11 7:42 PM
Hovering over the function name will show the comments.
F3 will jump to the definition.
2020-08-11 11:49 PM
Hi, thanks for quick reply. Hovering or F3 only works once I have selected a function from the popup window with proposed functions. What other IDEs do, is they will show the function documentation in the small popup window so as I navigate with up/down arrow key to the suggested functions, I see documentation for each. This makes it much easier, seeing that most of the time I do not know what exactly the suggested functions do. For example, if a delay function is msec or usec.
2020-08-12 6:15 AM
You're going to have to accept subtle differences between workchains. I don't buy the argument that all other IDEs behave one way and STM32CubeIDE behaves another. What other IDEs are you referring to?