2021-02-05 8:35 AM
OSS-7 is the open-source stack for the DASH7 protocol:
The build system is created with CMake:
Specifying -G "Eclipse CDT4 - MinGW Makefiles" on the CMake command line completes without complaining, and does create the expected Eclipse .project and .cproject files.
STM32 Cube IDE happily opens these, and builds successfully.
But I can't seem to create a Debug configuration that works - the 'Debug' button always remains greyed-out - even after pressing 'Apply' on any changes:
So what's going wrong?
Why can't I use this Debug Configuration?
What is keeping the 'Debug' button disabled?
The Target is a B-L072Z-LRWAN1, it is connected and a 'Scan' on the 'Debug' tab will read its serial number.
STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.5.1
Build: 9029_20201210_1234 (UTC)
OS: Windows 10, v.10.0, x86_64 / win32
Java version: 1.8.0_272
Cross-post: https://groups.google.com/g/dash7-ap-oss/c/kZZR5ySbWeg/m/3pVCT7OLBgAJ
2021-02-08 8:59 AM
Aha - same problem here: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000AyBp0K/is-it-possible-to-debug-a-makefile-project-into-stm32cubeide
Which was solved by creating a 'GDB Hardware Debugging' configuration; installing openOCD; installing the openOCD plugin for Eclipse; then "playing a bit" with the configuration (openocd command and options, .cfg file, etc).
Unfortunately no details of those openOCD commands, options, or .cfg file.
I wonder if CubeIDE is already using openOCD "under the hood" - so I could just use that, and not have to install it afresh?
Yes, it is. But still no luck with debugging
2021-02-10 7:24 AM
"Most probably STM32CubeIDE required metadata lacks"
It seems so.
In a genuine, "native" STM32CubeIDE Project:
In the imported Eclipse project, that stuff is nowhere to be seen:
there isn't even anywhere to enter it manually
in the imported makefile project, the C/C++ Build > Settings section does exist - but there are no MCU settings:
and, again, nowhere to enter it manually
2021-02-16 4:16 AM
Making the question general:
2021-02-16 5:23 AM
General question is getting some nice answer ;)
2021-03-11 8:20 AM
That generalised thread suggests that CubeIDE v1.6.0 should handle importing "plain vanilla" Eclipse Projects better.
This thread has an example of doing just that: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000aqNBiSAM/cubeide-imported-eclipse-c-project-incorrectly-defines-cplusplus
(shame that the forum doesn't support linking to a specific post - see mine dated 11 March 13:25 in that thread)
2021-03-12 5:07 AM
No, CubeIDE v1.6.0 still can't debug an imported "plain vanilla" Eclipse Projects - the trick described in the linked thread only works for a makefile project.