2020-04-21 3:06 AM
As the title says, I want to look at pin PA9 on my STM32F031K6 nucleo board as I run my program in the STM32cudeIDE debug mode. Will 'real' external inputs be viewable in the watch list? Which register do I have to view? I tried GPIOA->IDR but there seems to be no change
2020-04-21 4:04 AM
Is GPIOA enabled in RCC->AHBENR ?
Try viewing it in the SFRs view.
2020-04-21 6:27 AM
GPIOA->IDR is updated during debug mode. You need to ensure it's refreshed appropriately.
2020-04-21 10:35 AM
Ok sounds good, how do i make sure it's refreshed appropriately?
2020-04-21 10:49 AM
is that the IOPAEN bit? yes, it is enabled