2019-07-29 3:07 PM
Hi all. I am currently working out how to program the peripherals on a board I got recently. The board is an STM3220G EVAL. It is a lovely board and is stuffed with all manner of peripherals including Camera, 3.2" TFT with touch screen, LIS Accelerometer, Cirrus amp codec for audio, SD Card reader, USB FS OTG and USB HS OTG, Smart card reader and all sorts of others... I was hoping someone else has had experience using one of these boards. I would like to use CUBEIDE to program it so would like to learn how to use the examples and application examples provided for the board by ST. PLease can someone give me some help?
2019-07-29 4:07 PM
>>It is a lovely board and is stuffed with all manner..
Yes, I have some of these, and the F4 versions, a bit old though.
Might suggest that Eval versions of Keil and IAR both have working project files for these boards under the CubeF2 HAL trees, usually build small enough to get under the 32KB limits. Or SW4STM32 if you need GNU
CubeIDE might get projects, or importation working at some point.
2019-07-30 8:56 PM
Hi Clive. Thanks for the info. Ive installed Keil uVision 5 and have managed to get some of the examples working as Flash and in Debug viewing changing variables (ADC Polling). The USART printf example was giving me garbage thru Teraterm though ... I'll have to work that one out.. The 32K limit restricts the use of the LCD / Camera examples though. Still, thanks ! I can program the board and see it working. I'll have a go at SW4STM32 next,..