2021-08-03 9:52 AM
I've been having issues with my bluepill chip ( stm32f103c8t6) concering its significant current draw . I know that bluepills aren't the best choice for low power projects but they should at least draw less than 670µA in stand by mode ( according to the PCC tool in cubemx) . I've also heard people say that removing the built in LEDS(PC13 and PWR led) will reduce the current consumption drastically , is it true and is it safe to just desolder them ?
2021-08-03 4:37 PM
What is "significant current draw"?
Removing LEDs will certainly help. D1 and D2 draw about 3mA each. D2 only draws current if PC13 is low.
2021-08-03 6:28 PM
by significant i mean about 4.4 mA in standby mode and 10mA while operating , which is quite a lot compared to what other chips can reach . I do appreciate your answer though , with the leds removed i can at least reduce it to 1mA.
2021-08-07 2:04 PM
by tweaking the settings a bit ,i even managed to lower it to 140µA, which is not bad , but i can do even better once i figure out how to switch from VDD to Vbat digitally and reset the chip once the rtc alarm triggers.
2023-12-19 9:45 AM
Hi, how did u get it down to 140µA? I have done the following:
1) Break PWR LED
2) Set all pins to GPIO_MODE_ANALOG
3) Enter Standby Mode (All clocks off)
4) Disabled all peripherals
I still get 404µA from 3.7V lipo battery...
2023-12-19 10:34 AM
Essentially the same question as here.