2020-06-05 6:24 AM
Hi all,
I'm working on TouchGFX project that uses external QuadSPI Flash to store all graphics objects required by my designed HMI.
I want to obtain as result of the release building two distinct .bin files that contain respectively:
Is there a way into STM32CubeIDE to do that?
Thank you in advance!
2020-06-05 9:01 AM
I'd imagine objcopy has options to selectively extract sections.
Can do so with FromELF in Keil, and the ELF format is not that complicated in the fixed/frosted forms used here.
I'd probably build my own signing tools to validate the integrity of the external data/images so the system doesn't drive into a ditch when things are corrupted.
2020-06-12 1:42 AM
Hi clive1,
Thank you so much for your advice!
I have resolved by adding arm-none-eabi-objcopy command in Post-build steps section properties of my project.