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Binary output code


Hi all,

I'm working on TouchGFX project that uses external QuadSPI Flash to store all graphics objects required by my designed HMI.

I want to obtain as result of the release building two distinct .bin files that contain respectively:

  • one bin file that contains the binary code of my application to be written into internal flash,
  • and a second bin file that contains the graphics objects to be written into external QuadSPI Flash.

Is there a way into STM32CubeIDE to do that?

Thank you in advance!


I'd imagine objcopy has options to selectively extract sections.

Can do so with FromELF in Keil, and the ELF format is not that complicated in the fixed/frosted forms used here.

I'd probably build my own signing tools to validate the integrity of the external data/images so the system doesn't drive into a ditch when things are corrupted.

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Hi clive1,

Thank you so much for your advice!

I have resolved by adding arm-none-eabi-objcopy command in Post-build steps section properties of my project.