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Where download firmware for Nucleo H743ZI2



I would greatly appreciate it if someone could assist me in locating the most up-to-date firmware for the Nucleo H743ZI2 board. Presently, my board is running on the following firmware:

Version: 0221 Build: Aug 23 2019 16:25:00

Unfortunately, I am encountering certain challenges pertaining to I2C, and I came across information suggesting that a firmware update may resolve these issues.

I am sincerely grateful for any assistance provided.

Best regards,



Sorry, what I2C problems? The demo software doesn't do anything with the I2C bus, as far as I'm aware.

Define USE_NUCLEO_H743ZI2 for the Examples to build appropriately


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Chief II

It's not a "board firmware", but a firmware of the on-board ST-LINK debugger and it has nothing to do with I2C.


@Tesla DeLorean / @Piranha 

I'm trying to port code from another MBED dev board (LPC1768). Any idea where I can find the latest MBED board firmware for the NUCLEO H743ZI2? The I2C problems are resolved, but beyond that I would like to update the board firmware to the latest possible version.

Are you capable of reading? I told you there is no such thing as a general "board firmware" and I told you what firmware you actually mean and how it's called. Have you heard about a secret service called Google?