STM32 VSCode extension (MCUs)

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New STM32 VSCode extension V2.0.0 released

Changelog Version 2.0.0 V2.0.0 implies a breaking change: CMake project generation has been moved from VS Code to STM32CubeMX v6.11.0 (and later). VS Code solution no longer has dependency on STM32CubeIDE (.cproject-files)VS Code solution no longer r...

Not Available to do Flash in STM32F4

Spoiler  We have Custom board that build Around STM32F4 and we are using IJET Debugger and ST Link Debugger for Flashing from IAR Tool but Unavailable to Flash Code in Micro Controller.Error is Error while Calling macro ExecUserFlashExit.if Anyone Kn...

AGond.2 by Associate III
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Including external header files in project

I have used cube ide for a short while, and have written (in C) some header files for different sensors and whatnot. I have a folder that gathers all these headers on my pc. In cube ide i have been referencing these headers such that i did not copy t...

mpent by Associate
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Imported code does not build in VScode.

Hi,I have always used the STM32cudeIDE but now trying to use the new STM32 VScode extension. But to start with, I have not been able to build the imported code. [build] [1/1] Linking C executable GM_PRJ01_LL01_FRM.elf [build] FAILED: GM_PRJ01_LL01_FR...

Paul. A by Associate
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