STM32 VSCode extension (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

Issue with Linker Script in CubeMX 6.12.1

Dear users   After upgrading to STM32CubeMX 6.12.1 some of you reported limitations for CMAKE generated projects. We encourage you therefore to stick with the 6.12.0 for those encountering this limitation until the publication of the 6.13.0.    Thank...

New STM32 VSCode extension V2.1.0 released

Changelog Version 2.1.0 Added support for the following advanced STM32 devices TrustZone devicesDual Core devicesBootflash devices STM32CubeMX v6.12.0 is required to generate CMake projects for these advanced devicesSTM32CubeCLT v1.16.0 is required t...

Can't import MP1 project

I have installed the STM32VSCode extension, which can successfully import H7 projects from CubeIDE. But when I import the MP157 project, it prompts:Project import failed. Unable to determine CPU type from target" STM32MP157DAAx ".Does the STM32 VSCod...

ccc by Associate
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Memory View VS Code

Hi,With VS Code I want to use the memory view which works fine for decimal. But does not seem to work if I have 0x20000000.Here is my launch.json in case  { "name": "Launch2", "type": "cppdbg", "request": "launch", "cwd": "...

bibble235 by Associate III
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BlueNRG Readout Protection

Hello,I'm using BlueNRG-LP device and program my FW with RF-Flasher 4.3.0 in SWD mode. I set the "Readout Protection". Afterwards I cannot access the device anymore. From the manual RM0479 "Readout Protection" can be disabled with a mass erase. So I ...

vscode STM32H7 dualcore project

How to set up a project for a nucleoH745 so in vscode, with the official stm32 extension, the project can be opened and both subproject are visible and manageable?Preparation: vscode, extension, STMCUFinder, STM32CubeMX, Git are installed.How to conf...

Importing ST projects into Visual Studio 2022

Hello,I tried to import my time interrupt based, blinking LED project into Visual Studio 2022 V17.6 (Not into VSCode) using Marc Goodner’s blog (from Microsoft). Finally, I could import the STM32CubeIDE project into VS2022 but I could not run it. The...

Louie88 by Associate III
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Import Project in VS Code Ubuntu 23.04

Hi, I am using UBUNTU 23.04 and VS Code 1.78.2Trying to import a project and cannot get either the click of "Import a local Project" or the command Shift+Ctrl P don't do anything.Wondering if I need STM32CubeIDE installed? If so it relies on libpytho...

bibble235 by Associate III
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Wrong CLT path on Windows

The plugin doesn't see the CLT installed.I have found that gcc-arm-nonej-eabi.cmake contains wrong value for WINDOWS_ST_CLT_PATH ("C:/ST/STM32CubeCLT/STM32CubeCLT/GNU-tools-for-STM32/bin/")while the real path is "C:/ST/STM32CubeCLT/GNU-tools-for-STM3...

chuq by Associate
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