2021-05-06 12:44 PM
Is it possible to use the CubeIDE on OSX for debugging firmware for STM32MP1?
The interface is lacking some features and the debugging configuration is completely different.
Also I can't manage to make it work.
Here is what shows up when I launch Debug Configurations:
2021-05-06 01:00 PM
As far as I'm aware STM32MP1 is not MacOS supported if debug.
Quite old post ... is it still valid ? See https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000BxxoQSSQY/the-stm32cubeide-v110-hasnt-load-image-option-on-macos
2021-05-06 01:16 PM
Thanks, I searched for OSX but it did not produce any result. Too bad that there is no support.
2021-05-06 01:28 PM
Compare a Linux install vs. MacOS one ... some debug components are lacking