2019-08-02 9:32 AM
Hi, I use system workbench to debug example project. The serial port and ethernet over usb are recognized by system workbench. Now, the debuger step is using openocd to connect target board. I follow the below link to setting the debug configuration options.
2019-08-04 5:52 AM
It uses OpenOCD (STLink) by default. Did you correctly set "thru Linux Core" in Startup tab, shown in the picture?
2019-08-04 6:37 AM
I had select the production mode on startup tab window.Below is the screenshot.
2019-08-04 7:35 AM
I use reinstall ubuntu 14.04 64bit to test it. It's also failed and got another error.
2019-08-21 5:34 AM
The system workbench debug cm4 need use serial port, stlink and ethernet.