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Hi, I am not newer for stm32cubeide. But the stm32cubeide had very bad experience on stm32mp1 platform. Most of the time the debug fails with the error prompt in the screenshot below. The solution is also just to reconnect the stlink or serial port.S...
I try to use STM32CubeMX generate project with makefile, but the option is gray. It's can not select. Does the cubemx not support generate makefile on stm32mp1 platform ?
Hi supporter, I installed the STM32CubeIDE v1.3.0 on my macos. After install success, I try to debug example project. The console window show "stm32mp1x.cfg can not found". Then I search that file in STM32CubeIDE path.SC-MacBookPro:Contents $ find . ...
Hi, I use SPI1 and SPI4 in CM4 context on my custom board. Now, I use SPI_FullDuplex_ComIT_Master_CM4.elf binary to test those SPI controllers. The SPI4 is working, but the SPI1 doesn't working. Below is the log when SPI1 firmware started root@stm32m...
Hi, I has two custom boards. There are have same stm32mp157 ic and ddr. The difference is emmc flash, A's from micron and B is THGBMNG5D1LBAIL. Basic chain:The A and B are bootup success.Trusted chain(TF-A + U-Boot)The A is bootup success.The B is bo...
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