2019-12-13 2:50 AM
I came a step further setting up the System Workbench for STM32.
But now I am asked for a password to access to the target system but I all passwords that I can remember I had set-up before don't match.
Can somebody show me, how I can reset the password required for the situation shown below.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-12-13 5:54 AM
Yes you need also to connect the STLINK on CN4 of the daugther board.
2019-12-13 2:53 AM
Hi @Fortunat Schrämmli
You have to connect as "root", usually with empty password.
Please try and come back. If still fail I can drive you to setup the conf back working
2019-12-13 4:12 AM
Hi Olivier
Thank you for your valuable response.
I can't change the User name in the "Password Required" dialog box shown above to root. The name isn't editable. Please show me, where can I set-up to connect to the root ?
2019-12-13 5:25 AM
Menu Windows/ Open Perspective / Others / Remote System Explorer
open Properties of "MPU Target" and set back the default User ID to "root".
You might be prompt at first connection to set again the password. Let it empty.
Hope it help,
2019-12-13 5:50 AM
Thank you Olivier
With your hint I came a step further. It seems that the object file has been downloaded to the target.
But unfortunately I get further error, you see below and I am still not at the goal.
What is the exactly needed system configuration for this demo debug session ?
In my system configuration the evaluation board is connected over Ethernet to the development PC running Ubuntu 16.04 under VM-Ware. Then I also have a RS232 connection trough UART4 port of the evaluation board.
Do I also have to connect the ST-Link V2.1 to my Linux PC ?
Is there a description how set-up the ST-Link V2.1 on the VM-Ware Ubuntu machine ?
2019-12-13 5:54 AM
Yes you need also to connect the STLINK on CN4 of the daugther board.
2019-12-13 6:04 AM
Useful link on wiki :
2019-12-13 7:44 AM
Hi Olivier
Thank you for your answer
It seems that I have made a step forward.
As you see below, it seems that the debugging of the Cortex M4 software is now working.
2019-12-13 7:47 AM
I confirm :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Good debug !